Category Archives: Monkeys

Belated Christmas Greetings from Monkey Nails!

Belated Christmas Greetings from Monkey Nails!

Yes, I know it’s December 28th and Christmas is now technically over. But it’s still the festive season, right? So I’m bringing you some nails anyway. I would have posted them earlier but I’ve been so busy! I’m staying with family, my sister had a baby… it was chaos all round. I got some good polish presents! Very exciting!

I had a chance to have a go at some of the images I posted waaay back at the beginning of December. Christmas with a twist!



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November N.A.I.L – Animals & Pets #2

November N.A.I.L – Animals & Pets #2

It has been altogether too long since we last saw a sock monkey on my blog. Today I designed some special nails for my monkey Alice.


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November N.A.I.L – Animals & Pets #1

November N.A.I.L – Animals & Pets #1

Another week, another Nail Art Ideas Linkup post! This week the theme is Animals & Pets and there could only be one choice:



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31 Day Challenge Day 12: Stripes – Monkey Nail Art!

31 Day Challenge Day 12: Stripes – Monkey Nail Art!

Some of you may be wondering why my blog is called Monkey Nails. The reason is this: I make sock monkeys. As in monkeys, made from a pair of socks. I’ve given away a lot of them and I sell them too, but I have two very special monkeys of my own called Ella and Kevin. For my stripes mani I wanted to try and re-create them:


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